
Welcome to my first blog post!

Welcome to my first blog post! 

2020 has brought a lot of new developments into my life. With the cancellation of my face-to-face workshops back in March, the time seemed just right for pursuing my plans and dreams for some time to create a website. 

And here we are! You can see now the results of couple of months of planning and working on the content of this site. 

I am hugely grateful for the financial support I have received from South Dublin Enterprise Board for this project. An enormous thank you goes to Bence and Edina at Tega Software who made this dream of mine a reality. 

It was a great learning curve and also utter joy to arrive to this day. A few months ago I didn`t know anything about SEO and SSL just to mention a few of the new lingo I acquired along the way.

I am excited to further discover in the coming months and years what this new way of communication can offer for my practice.

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